Lily Krakowski on mon 4 nov 02
My blind, middle-of-the afternoon guess is that the suspension of the OXIDE
is what is varying. All I can think is that you might make up this OXIDE
mix with weighed out oxide and weighed out water and test. Also--try a
little, you guessed it, gum or glycerin in your oxide mix...
Tom and Jean Latka writes:
> I need help about a problem I am having with wax resist. I traditionally use Aftosa's brand and the majority of the time when I run the oxide over the dried wax resist, small beads of oxide stick to the wax. Other times, the oxide flows flawlessly, leaving no residue on the wax. I have studied the variables: drying time and thickness of the wax application and cannot find a consistent reason why sometimes the wax works and other times it does not. Aftosa was clueless when I asked for any help. Do anyone have any ideas about this?
> Cheers,
> When responding please include our names Tom or Jean in SUBJECT LINE
> Tom Latka
> 229 Midway
> Pueblo, Co. 81004
> 719-543-0720
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Lili Krakowski
P.O. Box #1
Constableville, N.Y.
(315) 942-5916/ 397-2389
Be of good courage....
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