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particle alignment and wedging

updated thu 7 nov 02


BVCuma on wed 6 nov 02

There was some discussion on wedging and particle "alignment" awhile back..

I do think that as many 10 to the power particles per cubic centimeter of
need not to be each physically handled to induce a thorough alignment.

While wedging, larger particle contaminants are driven to
the outer circumference, easily picked out by hand..
without any such undue "physical" manipulation..

Like a domino.. one need only knock down the first..
with a single finger...
to generate a cascade effect by which, in theory
an infinite number can be..aligned.

Or as simple vibration methods or rotory mechanisms do sift and sort.

I recall electron microcope photographs of master sumi-e brush stokes,
as compared to lesser "talents"...
an amazingly ordered arrangment or alignment of pigment particles
were laid down on the paper..
as compared to the more mundane efforts...
which produced haphazard chaotic patterns,
no doubt reflecting the hesitant and "weak" stroke.

What these photos were demonstrating was the subtle and hidden
aspects of energy or "chi"...
powerfully focused and reflected in the work of the masters...

Likewise I feel the same can be said of wedging ..or any other task as such.

In simplicity one can delve into the deepest aspects of nature...
therefore wedging, centering, lifting, forming or...
dish washing for that matter, are not so much tasks to move on from...
but rather "practices" to get into.

More than meets the eye...very much more.
