bnsaijim on thu 7 nov 02
I think this link was published before and not many comments
An exhibition was held involving a pairing of potter and
bonsaist to explore and expand traditional compositions.
It's being discussed on one of the "tree-geek" forums and
it's really a love it or hate it thing. These stances come
from either those inexperienced in both realms or whose
major focus is bonsai. I think there are very few that have
a deep understanding of the pottery making process,
container use history, etc. We just "follow the rules" or
choose solely based on "gut" aesthetic response.
I was hoping that non-bonsai folks might offer comments.
Does it "work" for you either as a strictly artistic
composition, or how about as a potter? Why or why not?
The project:
You can either share comments with me directly and I'll pass
them on or if you'd like to check out the forum and comment
Thanks in advance!
Jim Stone
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