Diana Pancioli on sun 10 nov 02
In a school situation we don't dry mix anything, for health's sake.
Even if the person mixing wears a mask, the dust put into the air doesn't
fall out for a long time.
So how do we handle bentonite in a glaze?
Because it is usually the last ingredient in the recipe and sits on top of the
rest of the materials in a bucket, it is easy to very briefly stir just the top 1/2
inch with your hand to mix the bentonite particles with whatever is below .
That is all it takes, a few seconds.
Tip. You know how the glaze makes dust when the water is added, also
putting stuff into the air? If you put a sieve on top of the bucket--the plastic
edged kind that fits the bucket like an indented lid--and put the water
through the sieve and leave the sieve in place while the glaze absorbs the
water, no dust can come out.
vince pitelka on sun 10 nov 02
> In a school situation we don't dry mix anything, for health's sake.
> Even if the person mixing wears a mask, the dust put into the air doesn't
> fall out for a long time.
Diana -
This is a little absolute. If you use the dry-mixing system with the
cardboard drum, as I described, there is not dust at all, because the drum
is sealed.
Best wishes -
- Vince
Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
Home - vpitelka@dtccom.net
Work - wpitelka@tntech.edu
615/597-6801 ext. 111, fax 615/597-6803
Pancioli on mon 11 nov 02
Mine: "In a school situation we don't dry mix anything, for health's
sake. Even if the person mixing wears a mask, the dust put into the air
doesn't fall out for a long time.
Yours: "This is a little absolute. If you use the dry-mixing system
with the cardboard drum, as I described, there is no dust at all,
because the drum is sealed '
Good Morning Vince:
I am not suggesting that anyone else do it my way. I am just reporting
what we do here. Flexible is my middle name. Suggestions aren't
absolute, they are just suggestions--take it or leave it.
I once mixed clay in a cardboard drum when I had no mixer. It was
necessary then. I don't find it necessary now and, like Mel, have never
found it necessary to dry mix a glaze, ever. We even do 50/50 glaze
blends wet to avoid the dust. AND it is much faster.
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