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gayle: how to warp time

updated sat 23 nov 02


primalmommy on thu 21 nov 02

Gayle wrote:
>Kelly, now explain how during this mad holiday production season you
had the
>time to write that funny! Have you found a way to warp time? If so
>share it with us!

Hubby hunting out of state for a week means I'm not cleaning, cooking or
doing laundry. Cheerios for supper,
kids in their jammies all day, mommy making pots pots pots. When the
kids are asleep it's lonely around here,
so I get on line and "talk" to grown-ups that way.

Great workshop last weekend and rubbing elbows with good potters means
I'm inspired and refueled and have
some monentum going...

Throw in a feverish 4 year old, restless in my bed all night, giving me
plenty of time to lie awake looking for
something fun to think about... plus my overzealous neighbor put up
christmas lights on a tree outide my
window with a little mechanical music box star on top that plays tinny
tunes all night, until I fantasize about
getting my old shotgun out of the attic... Silent %#*&@ Night indeed...

The nice part is the stuff you can't see from cyberspace... knee deep
piles of paperwork, unpaid bills, forgotten
orders thumbtacked to a door, stuff growing in the fridge, leaves
unraked waiting for snow... I just adjust the
settings on my "give-a-sh*t" meter and go on doing what I want to do...
damn the collectors, full speed ahead!

Funny how I manage to come up with "urgent" trivial projects whenever
there's a major obligation on deadline...
whenever Great Aunt Mabel got a letter she knew I was supposed to be
studying for finals or writing my
thesis... I think last christmas rush I wrote something long about
baking/^6 ox recipes instead of getting any
work done. It's becoming a tradition...

Glad you laughed. I got lots of fan mail ;0) which is a lovely way to
start the day. So far nobody has gotten
huffy ... still holding by breath hoping I didn't step on any toes...

Yours, Kelly in Ohio

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