Helen Bates on tue 26 nov 02
26 02
Surfing with Helen Bates - Clay urls from late Nov 02 - submitted Nov 26 02
Colleges (secondary and tertiary levels)
Napa Valley College Ceramics Program (Napa Valley, California, USA)
Carolyn Broadwell, Ceramics instructor "Emeritus" at Napa Valley College,
wrote this rich and warm and personal site, and continues to maintain it.
Hint: check out the the link to: "Letter from Ah Leon" in Korea 2001.
"Haniwa" links here, if you're interested:
And more, and more, and more. Present instructors: "Benjie Heu" and
Scott Parady, both of whose portfolios are on the NVC Ceramics pages.
Cushing Academy, (Ashburnham, MA, USA)
Has a strong arts program and excellent facilities.
Steven Branfman, (Clayarter) photos here, from a raku workshop he gave:
There is a well-made short video of the event. Needs Quicktime plugin.
If I was an artistic young person with the financial means or could win
a scholarship, I think I would love to attend this school.
Southeast Community College's Appalachian Center (Cumberland, KY, USA):
Southeast Community College Appalachian Pottery Program
Two year professional potters training under Center's mandate to
preserve Kentucky crafts. The college is part of the Kentucky Community
and Technical College System.
Kansas City Art Institute Ceramics (Kansas City, MO, USA) (Degree granting)
Most files on the site require Macromedia Flash, except the gallery sub-directories:
(Cary Esser, George Timock, Jane Shellenbarger)
Also has a nice selection of student work. (Very original, very professional work.)
Note: (OT)
If you do have MM Flash, see: http://www.kcai.edu for an interesting 3-D effect.
(Try to let your eyes go slightly out of focus, or focus "behind the screen.")
To change the music on the home page, click on the truncated cone!
Even with the flash plugin operating, I found that my older version of Netscape
Navigator couldn't get "back" to the KCAI home page unless I emptied the "Cache"
(possibly just one of them, or sometimes both the "memory" or "disk" caches.
No problem with NS 7.0 (which I recently downloaded and installed in a new directory
so I could continue to use certain features I particularly like in my old NS 4.7.)
Helen Bates - mailto:nell@cogeco.ca, nelbanell@yahoo.com
Web - http://www.geocities.com/nelbanell/
PMI Online - http://www.potterymaking.org/pmionline.html
Clayarters' Urls - http://amsterlaw.com/clayart.html
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