May Luk on wed 11 dec 02
I'd like to try out egyptian paste. I look thru the recipe from "Clay and
Glazes" I'm just missing out one or two ingredients from each of the
Below is a list of materials I have in my workshop. For those of you who are
familiar with the materials and recipe. Can you see if I can concoct an
egyptian paste without making a run to the store?
Borax Frit
Black Ball Clay
Nepheline Seynite
Cornish stone
Gold Sand
China Clay
Feldspar Potash
Zinc Oxide
Barium Carbonate
Lead Basilicate
Ziconium Silicate
william schran on wed 11 dec 02
May - I think you need a run to the store. You'll need a soluble salt
that will migrate to the surface to form the glaze in Egyptian paste.
Forgetting the last time I made this, I think what you'll need is
soda ash.
Bill - Fredericksburg, Va, where we have freezing rain and school
opens at noon.
Lily Krakowski on wed 11 dec 02
I know nothing about egyptian paste. tried it last in the '40s. a simple
recipe in Fournier's illustrated Dictionary of Practical pottery is credited
to Behrens and goes: 16 spoons flint, 4 spoons bentonite, 2 spoon sodium
bicarb, 1/2 copper carb. he has other recipes also but this might limit
your trips to the store.
May Luk writes:
> I'd like to try out egyptian paste. I look thru the recipe from "Clay and
> Glazes" I'm just missing out one or two ingredients from each of the
> recipes.
> Below is a list of materials I have in my workshop. For those of you who are
> familiar with the materials and recipe. Can you see if I can concoct an
> egyptian paste without making a run to the store?
> Dolomite
> Borax Frit
> Black Ball Clay
> Nepheline Seynite
> Cornish stone
> Gold Sand
> Flint
> Whiting
> China Clay
> Feldspar Potash
> Zinc Oxide
> Talc
> Barium Carbonate
> Lead Basilicate
> Ziconium Silicate
> T.I.A.
> May
> U.K.
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Lili Krakowski
P.O. Box #1
Constableville, N.Y.
(315) 942-5916/ 397-2389
Be of good courage....
May Luk on wed 11 dec 02
Thanks, Bill. I just got some soda ash in the mail today!!!
I have this recipe:
China Clay---------5
Sodium carbonate---5
Sodium bicarbonate-5
Now I don't have sodium bicarbonate, I wonder if I can sub it with 5 unit of
soda ash (sodium carbonate)? I don't know much about chemical fomulae. If
sodium bicarbonate just has more carbon, do I put more or less? Do I need
more sodium or do I need carbon? Or does it matter? I hope I'm not making
it trivial.
Talking about it and thinking out loud help me understand.
U.K. where they put tax on shipping
on 12/11/02 2:01 pm, william schran at wschran@EROLS.COM wrote:
> May - I think you need a run to the store. You'll need a soluble salt
> that will migrate to the surface to form the glaze in Egyptian paste.
> Forgetting the last time I made this, I think what you'll need is
> soda ash.
> Bill - Fredericksburg, Va, where we have freezing rain and school
> opens at noon.
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
J. B. Clauson on wed 11 dec 02
Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda. You probably have some in your kitchen
Jan C.
iandol on thu 12 dec 02
Dear May Luk,
Robert Fournier gives a very simple recipe from Behrens in CM.(no date =
or issue given.) Flint or quartz, 16 spoons, Bentonite 4 Spoons, Sodium =
Carbonate 2 spoons, Copper Carbonate half a spoon.
This is about as basic as you can get.
The Magic Ingredient is the Soda Ash. Melts just over 800 Celsius. =
Migrates to the surface as the paste dries and fluxes the silica.
Have fun.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, S. Australia.
william schran on thu 12 dec 02
May asked about subbing soda ash for sodium bicarbonate. Recommended
she check her kitchen cabinets for the bicarb.
John Britt on fri 13 dec 02
May Luk,
Here is a nice recipe for Egyptian paste cone 04/05 electric,
Nephelline Syenite -36
Silica -36
Ball clay - 10
Epk - 6
Sodium Bicarbonate -6
Soda Ash - 6
Coper carboante -2
Macaloid -3
Nepheline Syenite - 40
Silica -20
Ball clay 10
Grolleg - 15
Sand 4
Borax -1
Soda Ash - 4
Sodium Bicarbonate -6
Copper carb 2
Macaloid 3
Sorry that they don't add to 100.
One is green and one is blue,
Have fun,
John Britt
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