Darlene Tsukamoto on thu 12 dec 02
Mosaics, Lost and Found, with Alfredo Ratinoff
Saturday/Sunday, February 1-2, 2003; 10:00am - 4:00pm
Fee: $115.00 (materials included)
Alfredo will open your eyes to looking and arranging things as you never =
have before. He will bring his own unique approach to working with 'lost' =
and found objects and integrating them into mosaics to produce a remarkable=
work of art. Participants will bring their collections of treasures =
(broken or whole) to the workshop to design and devise their route of =
assemblage. Alfredo will demonstrate and review methods to set the =
objects and tiles in place. Then they will proceed to set the design into =
action and continue on into the next day. Be prepared for a fun weekend =
with an "anything goes" attitude where lost art can be found again in a =
new form.
Alfredo Ratinoff was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied at the =
National School of Ceramics in Buenos Aires, and then in Madrid, Barcelona,=
and Florence. He has been an Arlington resident for over 10 years and =
now resides in Washington, DC. He specializes in large murals and has =
been commissioned extensively throughout the U.S. and by major corporations=
For more information contact: Lee Arts Center
5722 Lee Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22207
Email: leearts@co.arlington.va.us or dtsuka@co.arlington.va.us
Ph: 703-228-0558 or 703-228-0560
Fax: 703-228-0559
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