Helen Bates on tue 17 dec 02
Clayart Dec 17th 2002
Surfing with Helen Bates - Clay urls from Mid Aug 02 - submitted to
Clayart Dec 15 02
Hi Clayarters,
I'm playing catch up again...
Jane Yen - Computer programming for 3-dimensional design problems
Jane Yen is a student at Berkeley.
Those interested in designing by computer may surf to her home page
Billy Ray Mangham's site:
As exhuberant and irreverent as I am sure he himself is.
David Herrold (Greencastle, Indiana, USA)
1972 - present, Professor of Art, and chair of the Art Department,
DePauw University
Some of Herrold's pieces are made with a talc body.
Also on the site are images of student work, notes on clay and kilns,
and some glaze formulae (no temp or cone given)
Cliff Lee.
A pair of "Yellow Prickly Melons"
The stems of these forms are amazingly "prickly"!
Erl Originals (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA)
Menus don't work well in this site, or are "crossed" with other
directories, unfortunately.
Artists: Cheryl Williams, Cliff Lee, Elaine Reed, Zaytceva, Jim Whalen,
Full Moon Clay, Mary Ann Prack, Hegney & Kittredge
Helen Bates - mailto:nell@cogeco.ca, nelbanell@yahoo.com
Web - http://www.geocities.com/nelbanell/
PMI Online - http://www.potterymaking.org/pmionline.html
Clayarters' Urls - http://amsterlaw.com/clayart.html
Surfing Posts - http://amsterlaw.com/nell.html
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