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joyce's "slump" and others

updated sun 22 dec 02


Toni Smith on sat 21 dec 02

My guess is that we all (OK, I can't speak for everyone)have times where our
confidence "slumps" a little. We may wonder if working with clay is
self-indulgent. Its that little voice (as Elca says, Mother) saying, "If
this is so enjoyable, it must be wrong." As I prepared for a recent holiday
sale at the art center, I felt that slump. Half of me wanted to just be a
whirlwind and produce my best pieces ever to sell. The other half was
saying, "Who are you kidding?" Well, that negative voice got stifled
everytime someone came by at the sale and picked up a piece I had made and
smiled, or their eyes twinkled, or they ran their hands over it and maybe
asked a question or two. They didn't have to love what I just
had to touch them in some way. Its in my artist statement because I
realized how important that is to me in all this. The creative connection.
Merry Christmas everyone. Toni Smith in Ohio