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lily, glazes

updated tue 7 jan 03


mel jacobson on sun 5 jan 03

i like to think of glazes as a `group theory`.

iron reds
oatmeals etc.

one can always find a recipe in the mix that works, but
a life long search for a great idea in the mix is worth
every minute of study.

as hamada said....`it takes a lifetime to learn a glaze.`
and of course there are about 50 variations of what he
said, depending on who was writing at the time.

what ron and john have done is give folks a great many
starting points. what we did with the shino article is give
folks a great many starting points. craig martell can give you
some starting points with blue celedon. hank will give you some
starting points with `fire down`.

then of course there is clay body.
the most ignored element in ceramics. ask david beumee, he can
start you...ask michael wendt. he may have an idea or 50.
ask gail nichols....she will give you a starting point.
she throws with kiln wash.
think about that for a minute or two.
no wonder folks can't make her pots. it ain't soda folks.
some just think about that. it is the clay body. what a concept.

Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
or try:

Ababi on mon 6 jan 03

Sometimes people ask me why I share my glazes. I have several reasons, among
them: Your

Ron will tell me if it is wrong
Bill will tell me about tin&(chrome )
Another bill will help me with Crystal glazing.
One Steven will help me with raku
Another one will help me to locate a material my supplier does not know it's analysis
Mainly English materials.

Two raku books authors opposite ideas: David Jones writes about stealing glazes
while Steven Branfman writes about the improving of a glaze while being shared and
tested around.
All my beautiful glazes, these of them that I can say honesty that are totally mine,
would not be created if Lana Wilson Val Cushing Behrens as well as the clayArters
would not share their glazes with us.
(+ the developers of the glaze software)

About the open to all archives: I discovered Clayart through
For many people Either from the English speaking country or from other countries,
sometimes it is hard to write or read to a list like clayart which is very intensive. It is
fine with me if my glazes help someone to sell better, fine.

About the almost one base:
Isn't it all: numbers, music notes?
The point is how you play with them and the interaction between the given recipe and
the given claybody.
One of the claybodies I used in my last crystal firing Was V.C. Raku claybody.
One recipe turned out beautiful while a small change, adding 2% TiO2 made it terrible,
just like music or math!
I do not sell much, yet until recently my best selling glazes were two versions white
and turquoise of Behrens's Stony matte, I could keep it secretly,but lucky we are He
has not done so!
Ababi Sharon
Glaze addict
Kibbutz Shoval Israel

---------- Original Message ----------

>i like to think of glazes as a `group theory`.

>iron reds
>oatmeals etc.
