Cat Yassin on thu 16 jan 03
In a message dated 1/16/2003 2:56:17 PM Central Standard Time,
dmead@MDS.MACON.GA.US writes:
> Hi to all: (please respond off list if possible)
> Who has the smallest, easiest design under 100 bucks little TEENY
> kiln to hold us over until we build the wood kiln at school
> next year? Have looked at a variety of ones that will
> smoke surfaces--need not be Raku, but could be.
> Primitive fire mode is good. We do not get money
> til August for big kiln. Thanks for brainstorming for me.
> If all else falls through we'll do a little pit fire.
> Thanks, everybody,
> diane mead
Heck, I'd be interested in this information too! Please send info to me too,
or maybe others are interested also and would be good info for the list.
Cat Yassin
San Antonio
Diane Mead on thu 16 jan 03
Hi to all: (please respond off list if possible)
Who has the smallest, easiest design under 100 bucks little TEENY
kiln to hold us over until we build the wood kiln at school
next year? Have looked at a variety of ones that will
smoke surfaces--need not be Raku, but could be.
Primitive fire mode is good. We do not get money
til August for big kiln. Thanks for brainstorming for me.
If all else falls through we'll do a little pit fire.
Thanks, everybody,
diane mead
June Perry on fri 17 jan 03
Even the tiniest electric test kiln runs in the two hundred dollar range.
The cheapest and easiest thing to do it to build a small updraft kiln, laying
some insulating firebricks (K23's would do) for the walls and you can use
high duty hard brick for the floor, or even the soft brick since your are
building something small; and using one of those high powered 500,000 Btu
weed burning torches as your heat source. You'll need an extra, hard, hi temp
firebrick to place at the base of the kiln, at the center, as a target brick
so heat will hit the brick at the central point and help disperse the flame
evenly. You can use a some kiln shelf pieces with some insulating bricks on
top for the lid, leaving the proper sized flue hole for whatever size you
build. If you can manage to get the bricks cheap (call some local potters or
check your supplier to see if they have some damaged, used, or leftovers they
can sell you cheap).
Harbor freight and similar discount tool places sell those weed burning
torches in the $50-60 range, less for the lower BTU models. You'll need a
couple of portable propane tanks; but you can probably borrow them from
anyone who has a gas barbecue, or???
I used to build a similar kiln for raku parties, just using kiln shelves and
no bricks on the lid. It could even go to stoneware temperatures using hard
brick, but it was a long fire.
You have to watch the kiln carefully and the burner needs to be steadied with
concrete blocks or heavy bricks on either side for safety sake. Buy the weed
burner that has the proper safety and control valves.
June Perry
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