Jenny Lewis on fri 17 jan 03
Hi Sue
Hmmmm. Normally I just use the muttering method while doing the wedging - a bit of muttering and some swearing can work wonders. But it never occurred to me that something nasty might be trapped in the clay. However, I reckon that in this process the clay will chuck out anything it doesn't want, like when
somebody else has left a piece of sponge or chammy leather or who knows what, in the clay reclaim - the cutting and wedging catches the intruders, and out they go. So I have to think that any other baddies would be cut and slammed out as well!
in London UK,
where last week about half an inch of snow brought public transport to a halt. It's quite sweet really - we have snow in London most winters, not always, but most, and we don't normally have very much, and it always catches them by surprise - airports closed, public transport not working (hard to tell the
difference these days....) oo look, they say, snow, never seen that before, don't know what to do, let's close everything down and hope it goes away.
> Hadn't thought about the cutting/slamming school of stress reduction therapy,
> but it makes sense. I have been known to write "issues" or particular "names"
> on pieces of paper before sending them through the office shredder. I shall
> now transfer this method to my clay and hope I don't invoke any bad karma
> along with the "issues" and "names." Clay is much more alive than paper, and
> it has a memory, so I'd better be careful what kind of spirits I trap between
> the slamming slabs......
> Sue Cline
> Cincinnati, Ohio -- where the anticipation of 2-3" of snow cripples the city .
> . . .
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