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woodfire video url

updated fri 24 jan 03


Marta Matray Gloviczki on thu 23 jan 03

helen wrote:
>Type in this url then
scroll down and click on
the text "Recording the Flame: Woodfired Potteryimage
above" or click on the
image. Helen<

thank you helen,
what a wonderful video!
arent we spoiled nowdays? we can sit down at the
computer to check our e-mails... and find this url,
innocently we click on it and are stuck for an hour or
more... watching the woodfire video!
helen, you forgot to include a warning: click on it at
your own risk!
and after this video you find yourself reading all the
posts on clayart about building your own woodkiln in
your backyard...

in COLD minnesota - way, way, way below zero
fyi: that is much colder than minus 20 celsius!

marta matray gloviczki

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