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waterfall/licorice -- my 1st web page

updated tue 28 jan 03


Cher Gauvin on fri 24 jan 03

In a message dated 1/22/2003 9:39:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,
ekohler@SUFFOLK.LIB.NY.US writes:

> "My" Waterfall, BTW, is more green than brown.
> Eleanor Kohler
> Centerport, NY
> --

I'm fascinated with Waterfall Brown. Mine also is green when applied
heavily on a flat surface and grows many crystals. I've only fired one test
load with the glaze but feel very excited about the possibilities I see in my
Here's a link to my first, very amateurish web page (under
construction) with pictures of my results using Ron & Johns' glazes.
I'm no don't expect greatness!
Cher Gauvin

Marianne Lombardo on sat 25 jan 03

Your photos look very good. I LOVE the raspberry bowls! Nice crystals in
the Waterfall Brown (green).

But your link is just :

Marianne Lombardo
Omemee, Ontario, Canada

Eleanor on sat 25 jan 03

Dear Cher Gauvin,
Yes, that's the green I get when I apply Waterfall on a vertical
surface, but few crystals. Instead there are rivulets of darker green
and red-brown running through the green and brown showing where the
glaze is thinner. When dipped in Licorice, there are blue/brown/green
rivulets--it's jewel-like.

Your first web page is looking good.


Valerie Hawkins on sun 26 jan 03


What glaze did you use on your 'Kiss Ass' pot?


Cher Gauvin on sun 26 jan 03

In a message dated 1/26/2003 9:57:38 AM Eastern Standard Time,
vhawkins1@CAROLINA.RR.COM writes:

> Cher,
> What glaze did you use on your 'Kiss Ass' pot?
> Valerie
> Charlotte

The base glaze comes from Digital Fire -- Glossy clear 1214W. The
colorants used were 9% zircopax and 7% Cu carb. Looks a bit drab on
stoneware, much nicer on a white claybody. Same base with 3% cobalt carb and
0.5% RIO produced a very nice looking deep blue.
Glossy Clear 1214W
Wallastonite 10.0
EPK 25.0
Frit 3134 25.0
Flint 25.0
Soda Spar F-4 15.0

Cher Gauvin

Ron Roy on mon 27 jan 03

Adding that much copper (7%) is going to destabalize that glaze. probably
will change colour with some foods and will probably add copper to orange
juice within minutes. Best to do the lemon test before using it on food
bearing surfaces.

> The base glaze comes from Digital Fire -- Glossy clear 1214W. The
>colorants used were 9% zircopax and 7% Cu carb. Looks a bit drab on
>stoneware, much nicer on a white claybody. Same base with 3% cobalt carb and
>0.5% RIO produced a very nice looking deep blue.
>Glossy Clear 1214W
>Wallastonite 10.0
>EPK 25.0
>Frit 3134 25.0
>Flint 25.0
>Soda Spar F-4 15.0
>Cher Gauvin

Ron Roy
15084 Little Lake Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
Phone: 613-475-9544
Fax: 613-475-3513

Cher Gauvin on mon 27 jan 03

In a message dated 1/27/2003 9:35:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,
ronroy@TOTAL.NET writes:

> Adding that much copper (7%) is going to destabalize that glaze. probably
> will change colour with some foods and will probably add copper to orange
> juice within minutes. Best to do the lemon test before using it on food
> bearing surfaces.

Thanks, Ron, for bringing this up. I neglected to mention that I only use
this glaze on non-food pots.
Cher Gauvin