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coloring terra sig

updated wed 5 feb 03


Elizabeth Herod on thu 30 jan 03

I thought about sending this question directly to a few, but then thought
that some folks on the list might be interested in the answer.

Supposing that I already have OM4 terra sig, and I want to color it with
Crocus Martis, what would be the correct proportion?

When making new terra sig from ball clay, what would be the correct amount?

Thank you all for your help


The cats definitely prefer water from a ceramic bowl.

Chaos and Calamity=B9s brothers, Stars and Stripes, who live down the road a
bit, prefer their matching ceramic bowls as well. Even the =8Cpossum, on his
nightly search for cat food, sniffs the ugly casserole first, before he
tries a plastic bowl.

Vince Pitelka on fri 31 jan 03

Beth -
There isn't really any "correct" percentage of colorant to add to terra sig.
You really have to do some tests, because different batches of RIO or crocus
martis will be coarser or finer. I would add it by color. Just add it
until you get a good tint to the terra sig, and perhaps try several
different small batches with different amounts, keeping track of the weight
of the additive to the weight of the mixed terra sig. That is still not a
very accurate measure, but it will give you something to go on for the next

For best results, buy a rock polisher on eBay and put some of the terra sig
in there with the crocus martis (a consistency to give a thick cream) along
with a large handful of glass marbles, and run it for a day or so. Add the
ball-milled mix to your remaining terra sig and thin to the appropriate
consistency. This will give MUCH better results than crocus martis direct
from the supplier.
Good luck -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
Home -
Work -
615/597-6801 ext. 111, fax 615/597-6803

Carolyn Bronowski on tue 4 feb 03

Vince, Beth-- I have been adding crocus martis trying to get the right tint,
and Vince is so right about using a rock polisher. I've just used the ole'
jar with the glass marbles and what a pain. I'm going to try your
suggestion Vince, to get the cream consistency first, then dilute. Crocus
martis is so strong, the color with too much martis comes out RED. I want a
"pretty purple"--haven't got it yet, more of a light lavender, which I like.
Thanks Carolyn

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vince Pitelka [SMTP:vpitelka@DTCCOM.NET]
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 5:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Coloring terra sig
> Beth -
> There isn't really any "correct" percentage of colorant to add to terra
> sig.
> You really have to do some tests, because different batches of RIO or
> crocus
> martis will be coarser or finer. I would add it by color. Just add it
> until you get a good tint to the terra sig, and perhaps try several
> different small batches with different amounts, keeping track of the
> weight
> of the additive to the weight of the mixed terra sig. That is still not a
> very accurate measure, but it will give you something to go on for the
> next
> batch.
> For best results, buy a rock polisher on eBay and put some of the terra
> sig
> in there with the crocus martis (a consistency to give a thick cream)
> along
> with a large handful of glass marbles, and run it for a day or so. Add
> the
> ball-milled mix to your remaining terra sig and thin to the appropriate
> consistency. This will give MUCH better results than crocus martis direct
> from the supplier.
> Good luck -
> - Vince
> Vince Pitelka
> Appalachian Center for Crafts
> Tennessee Technological University
> 1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
> Home -
> 615/597-5376
> Work -
> 615/597-6801 ext. 111, fax 615/597-6803
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