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firing glazed porcelain

updated mon 10 feb 03


Alessandra on sun 9 feb 03

Hi Everyone! I am new to this forum, but I have been reading it for a
while and, thanks to all of those brave people who had the courage to ask
beginners' questions, I got the answers to all of my questions, without
having to reveal my ignorance!
After working with low-fire clays for a while, I am now trying some ^5
porcelain. I have just bisqued (^06) some plates and some mugs and would
like to glaze them. The plates have a large flat surface, so most of the
bottom surface will touch the kiln shelf. Can I glaze the underneath of
the rims, the part that does not touch the shelves? Can I also glaze the
outer part of the mugs all the way to the bottom, leaving the flat bottom
part unglazed? If porcelain cannot be stilted and glazes run a lot at
higher temperatures, how can I prevent the mugs from sticking to the kiln
shelves? Will I have to give up on glazing the underside of the plates'
PS: I use an electric kiln. I appreciate your advice on this. Thanks!!