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: re: dry glaze

updated wed 26 feb 03


iandol on tue 25 feb 03

Dear Lily Krakowski,

You ask for a definition of the term "Dry Glaze". A bit of a problem to =
say what it means.

Frank Hamer has no entry under that heading in his dictionary so it =
probably has never been considered. It might be an Oxymoron.

Daniel Rhodes has a few paragraphs in his clay and glaze book about dry =
surfaces as a decorative element but classes pure clay and Engobes in =
that category.

If the term is used for glazes which show no evidence of there being a =
glassy phase then it is difficult to say that the substance is a =
satisfactory ceramic. On the other hand if a fully vitrified silicate =
solution is cooled over a sufficiently long period of time it will be =
totally crystalline. If the crystals are so small that they cannot be =
distinguished by the naked eye or felt with a finger tip then this might =
be an excellent appellation.

Best regards,

Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia