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found: warren mackenzie book

updated sun 16 mar 03


=?iso-8859-1?q?Katie=20Ellis?= on sat 15 mar 03


I checked the used books section on for
that book, and found one copy available.

It's selling for about $ I guess it depends how
much you really want it...


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Chris Rupp on sat 15 mar 03

Thanks for the reply Katie,

However, the Amazon listing you found is not accurate of what the price of
this book can and does regularly sell for. Sellers just make up what they
want for their book and if someone is stupid enough to buy it, then all the
better. In fact, there was another one a couple weeks ago for $100.00, which
sold, and about a month ago there was one for $95.00.
Take a look at other out of print artists books on Amazon and you will see
all kinds of crazy listings for books that people want $300-400+ dollars
for, many of which you can easily buy on, or even Ebay for
$50-60 dollars.

Chris Rupp
Santa Barbara

>From: Katie Ellis
>Reply-To: Clayart
>Subject: FOUND: Warren Mackenzie BOOK
>Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 19:58:01 -0600
>I checked the used books section on for
>that book, and found one copy available.
>It's selling for about $ I guess it depends how
>much you really want it...
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Información de Estados Unidos y América Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias.
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