Catherine White on mon 17 mar 03
I, too, have to express my thanks to all who made the ClayArt adventure =
such fun and to the NCECA group who put together such a phenomenal =
gathering of talent.=20
Especially memorable to me, was meeting one of my first professors from =
almost 30 years ago! And making new friends. People....... that really =
is what it's all about.
There's little I can say without repeating what's already been said. The =
demonstrations were so visual with the three huge monitors.=20
You-all don't need to read the three page description that I sent to all =
my non-potting friends so I'll just repeat my many thanks to everyone.
Coming home from San Marcos, it was very foggy driving towards San =
Diego. Even so I decided to be impulsive and search out the Pacific at =
Encinatos (sp). A short distance and there she was - huge, fearsome, and =
awsome. I kept saying Oh my god! Parking was a cinch. I read, walked =
the wet sand- racing away from the encroaching surf, and read some more =
of Michael Crichton's "Prey". A wondrous two hour hiatus. And what an =
ending to a wonderful time!
Catherine in Yuma, AZ
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