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another first timer to nceca.........

updated tue 18 mar 03


Catherine White on mon 17 mar 03

I, too, have to express my thanks to all who made the ClayArt adventure =
such fun and to the NCECA group who put together such a phenomenal =
gathering of talent.=20

Especially memorable to me, was meeting one of my first professors from =
almost 30 years ago! And making new friends. People....... that really =
is what it's all about.

There's little I can say without repeating what's already been said. The =
demonstrations were so visual with the three huge monitors.=20

You-all don't need to read the three page description that I sent to all =
my non-potting friends so I'll just repeat my many thanks to everyone.

Coming home from San Marcos, it was very foggy driving towards San =
Diego. Even so I decided to be impulsive and search out the Pacific at =
Encinatos (sp). A short distance and there she was - huge, fearsome, and =
awsome. I kept saying Oh my god! Parking was a cinch. I read, walked =
the wet sand- racing away from the encroaching surf, and read some more =
of Michael Crichton's "Prey". A wondrous two hour hiatus. And what an =
ending to a wonderful time!

Catherine in Yuma, AZ