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a rustling in the leaves- new website

updated thu 20 mar 03


Beth Cavener Stichter on mon 17 mar 03

Hello Everyone-

I just finished doing a *major* overhaul of my website, adding work =
from the past three years from my graduate studies at Ohio State =
University, my first major installation, and the work I am doing here at =
the Archie Bray Foundation in Montana. I would really appreciate any =
feedback you have to offer. It is heavy on the graphics, but I have =
tried to optimize the images as much as possible. Thanks for your help!

Beth Cavener Stichter

*New Website Address:

Catherine White on tue 18 mar 03

Your site loaded rapidly. The graphic composition is beautifully presented,
leading one quickly on to the next visual offering. Needless to say, your
work is awesome.

Catherine in Yuma, AZ
----- snip-----
I just finished doing a *major* overhaul of my website, adding work from
the past three years from my graduate studies at Ohio State University, my
first major installation, and the work I am doing here at the Archie Bray
Foundation in Montana. I would really appreciate any feedback you have to
offer. It is heavy on the graphics, but I have tried to optimize the images
as much as possible. Thanks for your help!

Beth Cavener Stichter

*New Website Address:

Marta Matray Gloviczki on wed 19 mar 03

beth wrote:

>>I just finished doing a *major* overhaul of my
website, adding work from the past three years from my
graduate studies at Ohio State University, my first
major installation, and the work I am doing here at
the Archie Bray Foundation in Montana. I would really
appreciate any feedback you have to offer. It is heavy
on the graphics, but I have tried to optimize the
images as much as possible. Thanks for your help!

Beth Cavener Stichter

*New Website Address:

hi beth,
i just admired your sculpture at the nceca show
in san diego, congratulations!
beautiful work.
thanks for sharing your website.
it is so interesting to read your working methods and
your philosophy, and then to see the images of your
actual work. you did a superb job putting it together.
i love it.

in minnesota

marta matray gloviczki

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