Jeff Tsai on wed 19 mar 03
Videos of the NCECA demos do exist. They will be edited first, and then I
believe NCECA will make them available.
Veena Raghavan on wed 19 mar 03
Hi Jeff,
Is there any way that one can find out about the videos, especially if on=
is no longer an NCECA member. I would love to see what is available and a=
what price. For those of us who could not attend NCECA and missed the
wonderful experience of meeting and chatting with fellow Clayarters (for
me, it was the best part of the Charlotte experience!), it would be nice =
see what went on.
Thanks in advance.
Veena Raghavan
Don Goodrich on sat 22 mar 03
Hi Veena and all,
Having inquired of the NCECA office, I got a reply from Kim Guetterman
[] , saying that the videos will indeed be available soon, so
we should be able to see them before long. She said, in part:
"...Once we receive our shipment about mid-week next week, we will begin
reproducing the video and audio tapes for sale.=C2 I will get details on wh=
will be made available and get back to you sometime next week."
So, I'd suggest emailing in a week or so, or checking the
website for new information.
Veena asked:
>Is there any way that one can find out about the videos, especially if one
>is no longer an NCECA member. I would love to see what is available and at
>what price.
Don Goodrich welcoming Spring in muddy Zion, Illinois
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