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wood and would

updated wed 26 mar 03


Ababi on tue 25 mar 03

An add. These are small wares, the tallest about 8 inches - I made them to test my
I am not happy with the pictures I shall try to photo again.
The black strokes: Here I failed, I should apply the oxides on the unfired ware to avoid

About the crystal wares I use "Beyond crystal firing" I shall write separately. It is very
interesting and very complicated story.
The Soil and ash glaze should be tested according to your soil - if you are not happy
with the results
add ash or flux remember: It is a decorative glaze. You imitate something. My soil is
runnier then the earth average I found in the Hopper / Rhodes book. You can try of
course Currie's grid.
I have the grid of this glaze in:
From Digitalfire: Earth's Crust
Ababi Sharon
Glaze addict
Kibbutz Shoval Israel