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paper clay mold

updated tue 1 apr 03


Lesley Alexander on fri 28 mar 03

In addition to adding a little chlorox, Rosette Gault in the paper clay =
workshop at NCECA suggested or also storing excess clay in thin sheets =
which dries out and gets rid of the mold. Easy to re-hydrate; the paper =
fibers suck in the water. Lesley

Fabienne Cassman on fri 28 mar 03

I don't use bleach at all in my household, I have been using alternative bleach made by ECOVER which is primarily peroxide and works just fine in killing bacteria. Use gloves though.

For animal and environment friendly products see


>Lesley Alexander said:
>In addition to adding a little chlorox, Rosette Gault in the paper clay


WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above
because my cats have apparently learned to type.

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Paul Brinkmann on mon 31 mar 03

When I pulvarize my paper, and don't use it all, I press out excess water,
put it in plastic storage bags, and put it in the freezer. Keeps
indefinately. PGBrinkmann, in the city named for St. Anthony.