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raku kiln construction

updated thu 17 apr 03


nfallon on wed 16 apr 03

Hello all.... taking a respite from NPR news of war, looting museums and =
rumblings from the neo-conservatives and war hawks about Syria's weapons =
of mass destruction..... I have a clay question.

I purchased an Axner raku fiber kiln from another list member (hi =
Sandy). I am going to build a permanent base for this kiln when the =
weather turns here in New England. I have built the brick base a number =
of times, but dismantled it for storage or movement. Using Steve =
Branfman's design suggestions in his book "Raku", the kiln will have a =
base of concrete block, a level of soft fire brick, a level of hard =
brick above the soft brick that will be the floor of the kiln. There =
will be two course of hard fire brick creating the "fire box." The =
fiber kiln sits on top of the hard fire brick.

My question is this; is there any thermal gain (or argument) for =
encasing the hard fire brick with an outer layer of soft fire brick?

Neil Fallon
Rock Pond Pottery

...and for those that are paying attention, this is yet another change =
in my email address, but my last.