ccpottery@BELLSOUTH.NET on sun 27 apr 03
I am hoping someone remembers this from an old Ceramics Monthly article.
It is a simple home made ball mill that runs on the top of a potters wheel. A potter asked
me for information about it, but I could not remember it at all.
Apparently the jar with the raw materials rolls as the wheel turns ??
If anyone could clue me in I would appreciate it. Thanks
Chris Campbell - in North Carolina - just returned from the Arts Business Institute
weekend which was held in Waynesville, NC .... I got to meet Cat Jarosz and other great
potters. Anyone with any desire to get serious about selling their crafts has to attend one
of these ... look them up on the net.
LJ GOMBAR on sun 27 apr 03
"a $50 Ball Mill" ????? February 1996 CM Out of an oak board base and
model airplane wheels....
If you want more I could send you a copy.
I also read a trick of filling a jar, with marbles, what you want milled,
seal it well, and let it roll around in your truck or trunk for a few
Working Potter on sun 27 apr 03
Shimpo made one, I have it but sold the Shimpo .
Lorraine Pierce on mon 28 apr 03
I have a Shimpo your Shimpo ball mill attachment for sale? Lori
Pierce in New Port Richey, Fl.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Working Potter"
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Need Info on Wheel driven ball mill
> Shimpo made one, I have it but sold the Shimpo .
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