Chris Schnitzer on wed 7 may 03
1st Potters Council Regional Workshop--Firing Practices
June 12-15, 2003
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Campus
LaCrosse, WI
Brochures about this exciting Workshop are in the mail! Look for your copy=
Review the program and register online at=
Or call Customer Service at 614/794-5890 to register by phone and to=
request a Workshop Brochure.
Potters Council Members recieve a discount on registration fees--advanced=
registration deadline extended to June 1, 2003.
Program Update
The Kiln Maintentance Session will be expanded to Kiln and Studio=
Maintenance and the presenter will be Don Hoskisson from Western Oregon=
Don't miss this gathering of fellow potters and learn all you can about=
your craft. Karen Terpstra, Workshop Organizer has this to say:
"The workshop is intended to be an interactive learning experience,=
covering a broad range of topics-ranging from firing to decorating to kiln=
maintenance. We believe the program will provide for a learning experience=
for potters of all skill levels. We have worked hard to keep the costs of=
attending reasonable by providing low-cost housing options and a=
registration fee inclusive of most meals.
"We hope to see 200 potters gather on the UW-La Crosse campus in mid-June=
and that this inaugural regional meeting will be a model for future=
Potters Council conferences."
We do hope to see you there.
Christine Schnitzer
Meetings & Expositions
The American Ceramic Society
PO Box 6136
Westerville OH 43086-6136
Phone: 614-794-5819
FAX: 614-794-5892
Chris Schnitzer on thu 8 may 03
1st Potters Council Regional Workshop--Firing Practices
June 12-15, 2003
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Campus
LaCrosse, WI
Brochures about this exciting Workshop are in the mail! Look for your copy =
Review the program and register online at
Or call Customer Service at 614/794-5890 to register by phone and to reques=
t a Workshop Brochure.
Potters Council Members recieve a discount on registration fees--advanced r=
egistration deadline extended to June 1, 2003.
Program Update
The Kiln Maintentance Session will be expanded to Kiln and Studio Maintenan=
ce and the presenter will be Don Hoskisson from Western Oregon University.
Don't miss this gathering of fellow potters and learn all you can about you=
r craft. Karen Terpstra, Workshop Organizer has this to say:
"The workshop is intended to be an interactive learning experience, coverin=
g a broad range of topics-ranging from firing to decorating to kiln mainten=
ance. We believe the program will provide for a learning experience for pot=
ters of all skill levels. We have worked hard to keep the costs of attendin=
g reasonable by providing low-cost housing options and a registration fee i=
nclusive of most meals.
"We hope to see 200 potters gather on the UW-La Crosse campus in mid-June a=
nd that this inaugural regional meeting will be a model for future Potters =
Council conferences."
We do hope to see you there.
Christine Schnitzer
Meetings & Expositions
The American Ceramic Society
PO Box 6136
Westerville OH 43086-6136
Phone: 614-794-5819
FAX: 614-794-5892
Chris Schnitzer on thu 8 may 03
1st Potters Council Regional Workshop--Firing Practices
June 12-15, 2003
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Campus
LaCrosse, WI
Brochures about this exciting Workshop are in the mail! Look for your copy =
Review the program and register online at
Or call Customer Service at 614/794-5890 to register by phone and to reques=
t a Workshop Brochure.
Potters Council Members recieve a discount on registration fees--advanced r=
egistration deadline extended to June 1, 2003.
Program Update
The Kiln Maintentance Session will be expanded to Kiln and Studio Maintenan=
ce and the presenter will be Don Hoskisson from Western Oregon University.
Don't miss this gathering of fellow potters and learn all you can about you=
r craft. Karen Terpstra, Workshop Organizer has this to say:
"The workshop is intended to be an interactive learning experience, coverin=
g a broad range of topics-ranging from firing to decorating to kiln mainten=
ance. We believe the program will provide for a learning experience for pot=
ters of all skill levels. We have worked hard to keep the costs of attendin=
g reasonable by providing low-cost housing options and a registration fee i=
nclusive of most meals.
"We hope to see 200 potters gather on the UW-La Crosse campus in mid-June a=
nd that this inaugural regional meeting will be a model for future Potters =
Council conferences."
We do hope to see you there.
Christine Schnitzer
Meetings & Expositions
The American Ceramic Society
PO Box 6136
Westerville OH 43086-6136
Phone: 614-794-5819
FAX: 614-794-5892
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