Hendrix, Taylor J. on sun 11 may 03
Howdy Mel and all:
I've had an okeedokee weekend. Threw 20 pots for raku using Armadillo
raku goo. I LIKED it. Had to check on my drying pots all weekend.
I have been trying to tap on center ever since I read Mel et al's
pronouncement that it war a cinch. Yeah, well, it ain't. Thank god I
can eyeball it pretty well and lug down my pots for trimming. Oops.
Threw two bottles for raku and I can't fix em to the wheel head. No
problem. I'll just make a chuck like I've read in a gazillion books. =20
The chuck did work fine this afternoon when it dried enough to use naked
(didn't like the feel of it covered with plastic). I remember my last
archive diving session reading a Mel post about bone dry trimming chucks
and re attaching with plenty of water. I now have a drying chuck I
would like to keep for awhile.
Mel, when you say attached with plenty of water, how do you go about
it? Do you apply the water down the center? Wick it in from the sides
with a needle tool? Pull a string under it?
Still got to work on that tap to center thing. Now where am I going to
find an empty Dr Pepper can?
Taylor, in Waco
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