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subject: recycled veggie oil kiln? and unsed motor oil...

updated thu 15 may 03


pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on wed 14 may 03

If one lets the Oil sit a while, which I have seen done with
used Crankcase Oil, it will clearify and the vast majority
of the Carbon, minute metallics, soponified suspensions or
whatever else, settle to the bottom.

Or, if kept warm a little, and allowed to go through a
filter and then allowed to settle.

This is simple, and would answer most of the concern about
'contaminants' as could somehow ( if indeed, they are at all
in fact) be a concern in the fireing.

And as has been said too, if a Kiln is brought up to heat
with Propane or Natural Gas or a lighter 'Oil', and then one
switches to the heavier...I cannot see any objection.

If it were me, I'd try that...

el vee

----- Original Message -----
From: "Louis Katz"
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Subject: Recycled Veggie Oil Kiln?

> I have done only a bit of firing with waste oil. In
Thailand I tried to
> get them to use it when firewood became illegal for a
short period to
> burn. People hassled me about pollution. I told them it
was better than
> the tires they burned. Waste oil (sump) works best in a
hot kiln. Heat
> it up with something that costs money and burn the sump
oil clean. . I
> don't want to stick my neck too far out on the heavy metal
issue, but I
> suspect that replaceing refined heating oil with sump oil
above 1500
> degrees F including considering disposal of sludge and
> of the oil is a net plus for the environment. I don't know
about heavy
> metal content in fired glazes and would be tempted to test
a bunch of
> pots.
> Waste Soybean oil from the Kansas City Art Institute after
being run
> through a 60 mesh seive smelled like donuts. Seemed to
fire O.K.. Only
> used it for one firing.
> Also at Kansas City Michael Luby fired a kiln with forced
Coal dust.
> The firing chamber became choked with clinker (ash).
> Louis
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