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kudos! to ron roy

updated sat 24 may 03


Wanda Holmes on fri 23 may 03

If you'd read my posts from time to time, you may be aware that I was
about ready to jump off a bridge because of my inability to find a
locally available body that met my needs. I wanted a body that was
vitrified at cone 6, white firing, resisted warping in tiles, and had a
fairly high expansion. At some point a few months ago, someone
suggested that I mix my own body and Ron Roy agreed to help me. For the
price of a good dinner and a bottle of wine, he has saved my life -
bridges no longer look so inviting.

I have, after only 2 rounds of testing, the body of my dreams. It's
everything I asked for AND the color response to my glazes is fantastic
- a bonus I didn't even expect.

Ron, you get my vote for hero of the month!
