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fishline/throwing hump.

updated thu 29 may 03


mel jacobson on wed 28 may 03

rhythm is one of the most important factors in throwing.
the full time folks know this like magic. sit and watch tony c
for a will catch on a bit.

rhythm is like music. speed, tempo, all flows
together to make the throwing happen.

each clay will have messages for you, and let you
know what rhythm to use. you take many liberties with
fat, open bodies. you can speed right along...whack them

tight porcelain bodies take a bit more `magic touch`.
slow down, pressure is less, the concentric rings are
almost invisible.

so, it is finger pressure, speed of wheel, speed of lift.
one speed.pressure.lift is not correct for all clay.
or, for that matter, for all pots.

experience teaches one to know the rhythm you need.
one day jazz, next day...rock and roll, then of course mozart.

if you want loose pots...throw fast, pull up fast, and squeeze
the bejesus out of the clay. soft clay. some people think that it is the
ultimate to be loose. it is just another rhythm.
how smart does one have to be to make loose pots.
it is a is not a profession.

i just don't want to listen to people extolling the virtue
of loose, when they cannot make three pots the same
if you have a gun at their head and the grand kids tied
up with rope. skill starts the cycle, skill and knowledge
of your materials finishes the rhythm...

i just love to hear jt abernathy talking in my ear...`god almighty, how
can people make decent pots when they do not have a clue
what clay, glaze and other materials are about. just buy
some clay and have at it. stupid.` (ps, i have a one hour tape
of our to listen to it. 80 years old and still can
get riled.)
i agree. of course i really respect jt. he has done it all.
it would be like fighting with ron roy about glaze materials.
he just knows what he is talking about. i just listen.
and, of course i have total and complete respect for folks
like ron and john. they have travelled the road...and know the

FISHLINE...(in caps)

i have found that simple braided fishline...about 12 pound test
is the very best. black. it is not clear monofilament, but
more like old time casting line. not always easy to get at
the big box sports stores..but you can find it on the internet.
just put...`fishline` in google. it may come 200 yards.
one roll will last a life time.

and, while you are ordering, get some steel line. make
cut off wires. change your life.
get a bison tool from phil, make a cut off line with steel wire.
get some braided line....set for life.
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
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