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3 old cone 6 glaze recipes with lepidolite

updated mon 2 jun 03


OWLPOTTER@AOL.COM on sun 1 jun 03

<< Lepidolite >>

I found the following cone 6 glaze recipe in
Emmanuel Cooper's "The Potter's Book of Glaze Recipes."

Black Brown Mottled Glaze

Lepidolite 5
Fremington Clay (Albany Slip) 85
Yellow Ochre 10

Turquoise blue matt glaze

Nepheline syenite 40
Barium carbonate 35
Whiting 5
Lepidolite 5
China Clay 10
Flint 7
Copper Carbonate 2

Shiny white glaze

Dolomite 15
Nepheline Syenite 20
Whiting 3
Zinc Oxide 3
Lepidolite 8
China Clay 10
Flint 25
Zirconium Silicate 16

I haven't tried these recipes, just found them in an old book.
-Carolynn Palmer, Somerset Center, MI