Imbolchottie@AOL.COM on wed 4 jun 03
Slowly things are coming together - still looking for user friendly forum.
I've narrowed the glaze search down to this one (I think, um, er, maybe)
Could the Powers the Be give any feedback on this one?
Cone Six - 14 Celadon
Range: 5-7
Firing type: Oxidation
Glaze type: Celadon
Color: Green
Surface: Semi-gloss
Transparency: Translucent
Visual texture: Mottled
Date: 01/30/2002
Wollastonite 20.00 20.00%
Calcined china clay 10.00 10.00%
Silica 10.00 10.00%
Gerstley borate 10.00 10.00%
Soda feldspar 50.00 50.00%
-------- -------
100.00 100.00%
Copper carbonate 0.50 0.50%
Black Stain 0.20 0.20
Frit vs Ghastley Borate, don't frits cost more? Frogpond has my head
spinning now with talk of leaching - I'm now soaking some of my plates in a vat of
vinegar - so let's see how the store bought glazes perform.
frit, oxides, borate (can you really use 20 Mule Team borax?) sounds
complicated but the pieces are falling into some sort of shape - flux, silica, Kona,
so many names and yet so many mean the same thing - confused! Jonathan
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