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foaming strontium

updated sat 14 jun 03


Rick Hamelin on fri 13 jun 03

I noticed that at 1600'F, the Strontium Carb actually heaves in a foaming
swiss cheese on my cone 05 trials. On this last sampling of 6 tests, two had
an heavy occurance and a third a minor change. Glaze thickness is a possible
factor. Is there any risk to my calcining the SR to red heat, in that it could
change and increase the melting point? Although I doubt it myself, I sincerely
appreciate your comments.
I haved learne alot from you that answer me. ClayArt is important to all of
us as we learn and explore our art and trade and ClayArt should not be abused
or mis-used. I want to thank each of you who make this site possible. And
thank you Mel.
Yours truly
Rick Hamelin