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glaze test results --ron roy knows!

updated mon 23 jun 03


Lois on sun 22 jun 03

Several weeks ago I asked for ideas on reformulating the glaze Karen
Starshines copper aqua from Val Cushings handbook.

I got many responses, with lots of ideas on what to leave out/sub/replace,
to make this glaze less runny.
Since it was NOT LOSING COLOR RESPONSE I was interested in, I tried every
idea, planning to do a line blend later for the exact color I was wanting.

I got very lucky and got 3 very close matches to the color and in a very
stable base!

2 of these are RON ROY'S revisions. Both were winners! THANK YOU RON!

You can see the picture of the results at

Thanks for ALL your help.

Lois Sharpe
Durham NC