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post aberystwyth blues

updated tue 8 jul 03


Janet Kaiser on mon 7 jul 03

Well, I have just tucked Russel into bed after showing him The Chapel and
The Potters' Path in the dark! I wonder what rumours will be flying around
the village by tomorrow! Very strange goings on! I was able to point out
some Clayarters tiles, but not all...

Have also been hearing all about Aberystwyth, but will leave it to those
who were there to report back.... Seems to have been great fun and Russel
has promised to return for the next Aber Festival in two years... Jacqui
gave me a Clayart badge, so I have a memento, even if I was only there in
spirit. Avril is picking Russel up tomorrow a.m., so we will all be very
flat after all this excitement! Oh, well... Plenty to talk about and be
inspired by for the next few days, weeks and months.

The "chat room" was apparently functioning -- in Aberystwyth! No one else
seems to have had much luck, so will be interested to find out what exactly
went wrong! If ever we do...

Janet - off to bed to recharge the batteries... Still have a change of
exhibition to accomplish by Wednesday!

TRUTH is too precious to tell every fool who asks for it...
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