Alex Solla on thu 10 jul 03
Dannon's comments are totally on the money! I will share one other tidbit which has helped my glaze mixing....
Most of my glazes use frits... I have found over the years that adding your clay component FIRST, helps keep materials from stratifying and solidifying before mixing or seiving. No rock hard layer.
Another little thing I found helpful was to add the bentonite component of my glazes to ANY of the other dry materials, stirring with a fork, and then adding to the glaze bkt.
Seems to really lessen the difficulty in getting a nice creamy smooth mix.
Good luck!
-Alex Solla
Dannon Rhudy wrote:
Greg Ashe asked:
...<<<< constituents by hand before adding water.....>>>>>>
It is NOT necessary to mix glazes dry before adding
water. The easiest and least dusty way to mix a glaze
is to put about half the water you will be using into the
bucket before you add any glaze ingredients. Then
measure and add your glaze parts, let slake briefly, and
mix. Mix thoroughly, adjust the water amount, and
sieve if necessary. I don't generally sieve glazes, but
some are improved by it, and if you're new at glaze
mixing it would likely be the best thing to do.
Dannon Rhudy
----- Original Message -----
From: Cliona A.
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 2:36 PM
Subject: Mixing glazes
Is it necessary to thoroughly mix dry glaze constituents by hand before adding water and sieving? If I could avoid doing this it would make mixing glazes much easier and cut down on dust, so any advice would be appreciated. Greg Ashe.
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