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glass connectors for showcase....emergency

updated mon 28 jul 03


Eleanora Eden on sun 27 jul 03

Hi all,

I should have thought to ask before now but here it is: I have ordered a
welded frame for my jewelry case to match my other booth furniture but I
did not think to investigate the standard ways to safely attach glass
portions of the case itself and have instead arranged to reinvent the wheel
at greater cost for the welding job and it is not as safe a result as the
commercially available glass connectors.

The caveat is that I have not found connectors on our websearch that are
made for 3/16" glass. That is what I have. I know they are out there. If
anybody knows where and would email me pronto I would greatly appreciate
it. Fortunately my welding guy has been busy elsewhere and it is still
possible to redesign if I have the specs of this connector by tomorrow
bright and early.

As always I appreciate the imput.

Eleanora.......hit the ground running back from the best weather in Ann
Arbor, I think for the whole history of that event.....and finally did a
completely successful glass firing......kiln #80......well I am slow but I
do get there.......

Eleanora Eden 802 869-2003
Paradise Hill Road
Bellows Falls, VT 05101