mel jacobson on mon 28 jul 03
i have one for sale too.
nice, in great shape.
almost new.
it was made in minneapolis by
denton m. vars. he was
warren mackenzie`s relative.
900 bucks.
shipping on you.
arti, are you still game?
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
or try:
new/ http://www.TICK-ATTACK.COM
Donn Buchfinck on mon 28 jul 03
In a message dated 7/28/2003 2:57:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
melpots@PCLINK.COM writes:
do you have any photo's of the wheel??>
Ron Roy on fri 1 aug 03
Just in my head - I will get some next time I am in town if I can't find a
buyer - I'll post to ClayArt when I do.
Has a seat - foot treadle is on the left side - copper lined box around the
wheelhead - runs smooth.
>In a message dated 7/28/2003 2:57:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
>melpots@PCLINK.COM writes:
>do you have any photo's of the wheel??>
Ron Roy
15084 Little Lake Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
Phone: 613-475-9544
Fax: 613-475-3513
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