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leach treadle wheel - and...other notions of design for them as i

updated fri 1 aug 03


pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on thu 31 jul 03

intend to make some versions of...

Hi Taylor, and All,

I got all fired up awhile ago on wanting to Rivet
things...whilst I had also been yearning to resolve the
vexations of the old side-kick 'Leach' type Wheels...

So I was full of reveries for Wheel Designs as would be
durable, friendly to one's form, and allow heavyish
Centering as well a nice coasting aspect for the odd pulls,
Banding, or what.

Also I envisioned an 'Electricly' equipped Model as enjoys a
hefty Motor to turn things at those speeds one may wish to
have for things to turn.

Anyway...when I get more junk out of here I shall make some
prototypes, and we can all have some fun with them.

My notions resolved on the features I had mentioned ( in
the little post to which you have
replied)...and...anticipated both the stand-up and the
sit-down ways of faith.

Too...I intend a 'Zepplin-Weight' of some Duralumin Alloy or
other, for those as may wish to Travel, having to it a Fly
Wheel which one fills with Water, and drains for the return

Otherwise, they will be of strong slender Iron sections
Riveted for the milllenia...Japanned all over, and Copper or
Brass furniture and removable 'pans' and so on.

Timkin and heavy 'Ball' Bearings and standard Alemite 'Zerk'

Thus anticipating many generations of trouble free and happy
use...whilst remaining pleasing to the eye.

Encourage me!


Las Vegas

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hendrix, Taylor J."

Dude! (wife hates it when I do that)

If you onioneered a treddle to use the downward motion
and you put it on a bar accessible to either foot,
voila! no ankle bonking. Just a few pumps to get the
beefy wheel turning and then stand and throw.

I've seen a picture of a Spanish potter on his 'side-saddle'
wheel. He used a treddle similar to a treddle sewing

Let's get to work on that, Phil. I'm ready to
stand and throw.

Taylor, in Waco

-----Original Message-----
From: pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET [mailto:pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET]

When I was working on some designs for Treadle Wheels, I
elected to have provision for using either Foot, AND to have
an 'idle' sprocket or pawl as kept the blessed lever from
wanging an ankle or other...AND entertained designs as
allowed the pressure for the rotation to be a 'downward'
pressure on a lever or pedal, rather than a sideways one, as
let you be standing up, and, to use either Foot...