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kiln wiring -- copper & amps

updated tue 12 aug 03


D. Colo on mon 11 aug 03

Thanks for all the replies! GREAT info. <:}

The kiln is a 24 amp kiln -- the point of a 60 amp
subpanel is to allow for the wheel (5 amps), a light,
maybe a radio, and so on for now, and eventually, for
this kiln to be replaced by a larger and higher amp
kiln. So I *think* 60 amps is sufficient. One
response said that 60 should be ample, another post
said that it might not be enough, go with 100 amps.
So, anyone with an opinion on this point, please weigh
in! ;)

I *will* insist that only copper wiring be used, based
on the concensus of recommendations here on the list
(and yes, I noted that a couple of people commented
that aluminum would be okay). It's worth it on the
safety front from my point of view, though I DO have
to hope that I get *lower* estimates from the two
electricians coming out this week for estimates. Of
course, as someone here mentioned, the more details I
have as I gather more info, the more of the job
specifications I can deliniate which means that I *may
not* be getting completely accurate quotes since I may
not have asked certain questions of earlier
estimators. Sigh. But I certainly appreciate the
collective wisdom of this list in explaning what
questions to ask and what details need to be specified
before the work is done!!!

And yes, I know the lowest bidder may not be the best
choice, but I don't want to get taken badly because I
have no idea what a *reasonable* estimate on the job
is. Hence the multiple quotes from electricians so
that at least I'm getting *some kind* of ballpark
guess-timate on what I should expect.

Again, many thanks for your help.

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psci_kw on mon 11 aug 03

snip So I *think* 60 amps is sufficient. One
> response said that 60 should be ample, another post
> said that it might not be enough, go with 100 amps.
> So, anyone with an opinion on this point, please weigh
> in! ;)

Go with the 100 amp service, if you can get it.
Better to have it and not need it,
than not have it and want it desperately in the future.
Hmmmmm....sounds like we were discussing,
er, um, .....chocolate(?) :>)

Wayne in KW