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if you've ever packed up for a show. . .

updated thu 14 aug 03


Gail Heilmann on wed 13 aug 03

I'm a potter in the Black Hills of South Dakota and was headed to an
art fair in
the Colorado Rockies last weekend. My husband was taking a full plastic tub
of pottery to the trailer and saw the garbage truck coming down the driveway.
He put the tub down and proceeded to move the suburban and trailer out of the
way of the garbage truck. After moving the vehicles, he came back
just in time
for the garbage man to hand him the 'empty' plastic tub and say, "you probably
want to keep this." My husband explained to him that, yes, we did
want the tub
and also all the pots that he had just dumped into his truck. I had
been in the
house and just looked out the window to see the garbage man give the tub to
my husband and instantly figured out what happened. My heart was in my
throat. . .

Well, it all turned out okay. Only five of the thirty pieces broke
and the show
in Colorado was a good one.

So the next time you are packing up for a show. . . think of me and SMILE!!!

Gail J. Heilmann