Elzbieta Sekula on mon 18 aug 03
They say that right-handed people use the left side of their brains. Does
this mean only lefties are in their "right" mind?
In a message dated 8/18/03 2:40:22 PM Central Daylight Time,
jboyer@ADELPHIA.NET writes:
> Jennifer, wondering if this works well for me cuz I'm a lefty,
> as all the best people are! ;-)
Jennifer F Boyer on tue 19 aug 03
Well, Duh! Of Course! ;-)
Lefties have trouble with a lot of every day stuff so we make up
for it by being cocky....
Actually my Dad always pressed on me the advantages of being a
lefty in baseball: Pitchers face first base, batters have the
correct momentum to get them running to first...I was a pitcher.
It made up for the stupid scissors...
Elzbieta Sekula wrote:
> They say that right-handed people use the left side of their brains. Does
> this mean only lefties are in their "right" mind?
> E
> In a message dated 8/18/03 2:40:22 PM Central Daylight Time,
> jboyer@ADELPHIA.NET writes:
>>Jennifer, wondering if this works well for me cuz I'm a lefty,
>>as all the best people are! ;-)
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Jennifer Boyer
Thistle Hill Pottery Montpelier VT USA
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