John Niehaus on tue 19 aug 03
Greetings, Clayfolk.
I've had many people ask what the throwing capacity
of my wheel is. I've always thought that rating wheels
this way was mostly BS because it is a subjective
rating seems to me that throwing capacity
is much more dependent on the skill and technique
of the artist than on the mechanical aspects of the
wheel in question (other than hp and rpm, of course).
I have witnessed a petite 90lb woman slap-center
close to 50lbs of clay on a decrepit Brent B. Using
her technique, she probably could have centered
300lb. or more. Is there any generally accepted way to
objectively rate a wheel in terms of throwing capacity?
Any help in this matter would be much appreciated. I
checked the archives but didn't find any info. As nearly
100% of my work is in teapots this is outside my
ps...just retrieved my personal best teapot from the
kiln yesterday...I've been fondling it a lot.
Larry Kruzan on wed 20 aug 03
> ps...just retrieved my personal best teapot from the
> kiln yesterday...I've been fondling it a lot.
I'd really like to make a wise crack here but I can only say...I understand.
(Recovering pot fondler)
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