Sam Kelly on mon 25 aug 03
Hi, looking for info on terra sigillata slip, what is it and how do you
make it, have some info but needing more to get a better understanding.
Thanks, Sam
Sam Kelly on mon 25 aug 03
Just got some stuff from the archives but more info would be nice.
Thanks, Sam(Australia)
Vince Pitelka on mon 25 aug 03
> Hi, looking for info on terra sigillata slip, what is it and how do you
> make it, have some info but needing more to get a better understanding.
Sam -
You can find lots of information in an article I have at the Digitalfire
website at
Don't be intimidated by the instructions. It really is not as complex as it
might sound at first. This is a recipe for truly superior terra sig. There
are lots of simpler recipes, but none of them has ever worked very well for
Good luck -
- Vince
Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
Home -
Office -
615/597-6801 x111, FAX 615/597-6803
Russel Fouts on wed 27 aug 03
>> Hi, looking for info on terra sigillata slip, what is it and how do you make it, have some info but needing more to get a better understanding. <<
Have a look at my primer at
It's pretty simple really.
Hey! don't forget to look at the pots as well, ok?
Thanks, Sam
Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75
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karen gringhuis on thu 28 aug 03
Cushing's HANDBOOK incl. a recipe and method for
making terra sigilatta incl. how to do it without a
ball mill. Works for me.
Karen Gringhuis
KG Pottery
Box 607 Alfred NY 14802
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