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updated wed 27 aug 03


Suzanne Kraman on tue 26 aug 03

I was yearning to hear from my mentor from days of old......because I have
known him some 30 years....because I kept being urged to from somewhere
inside....and because we have some old connection and I knew that something was going
on for him.... and it was...and we had a good phonecall.....and he is strong
and will prevail....In thanks he sent a wonderful card of a young Asian potter
working at the most unusual wheel....that took enormous agility to accomplish
anything.......and behind this wonderful young man was a stack of really well
thrown pots......and the image was worth a million words about Artist.....but
there were a few words....and they blazed a new path in my frontal
lobe....The card simply said...."Your work is to discover your work, and then with all
your heart to give yourself to it"......and I am thinking that, that is what
the Artist perhaps being an Artist is less about semantics and
more about follow Vince's 12 Step program and your Work will
grow.....Take care you wonderful wordy Artists one and all......Suzanne Kraman
ClayWaves Studio