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crazy in oregon

updated thu 28 aug 03


Linda Reynen on wed 27 aug 03

Does anyone know of a studio I could work in and pay by the hour, in the Corvallis, Oregon area? My sister and I are out here for a couple of months taking care of my mom who has cancer and I'm in need of some type of occupational therapy. I went from NYC to the Backwoods Boonies and I am going stir crazy. No cable TV, no Metropolitan anything, speed limits of 20 mph. If you are feeling generous and lonely and have access to a kiln and a kitchen table, I'll bring sandwiches and cash.

I'm near Corvallis, Between Brownsville. Halsey, and Shedd, Oregon, next to exit #216 on Interstate 5.

Please email me directly,
Thank you in advance,
Linda Reynen