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cone 6 firing schedules........tecate gold clay

updated thu 11 sep 03


Catherine White on wed 10 sep 03

I'm finishing a large (18" by 12" by 3" oval) mask of the Tecate Gold with
the features and markings made of Blk Mountain clay partially embedded in
the Tecate Gold. It's such a lovely color and this is my first project
using it (the Tecate Gold). Any thoughts on what sort of finish might work
on this?

Regards from
Catherine in Yuma, AZ

----- Original Message -----
> ncwhite@ADELPHIA.NET writes:
> > Since I
> > do no functional ware at this time, the ^10 Sonora White Sculptural,
> > Gold, and Black Mountain clays should be OK fired lower. Or, no?
> Catherine, I've used the Tecate Gold (lovely clay color) for sculptural
> pieces and only bisqued fired them to 04.
> -Cat Yassin