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fwd: fw: sam chung workshop

updated thu 11 sep 03


John & Anne Worner on wed 10 sep 03

----- Original Message ---
From: Leonard & Ronise Powalski
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:43 AM
Subject: Sam Chung Workshop

Texas, Austin
January 31- February 1, 2004
Clayways Studio
5442 Burnet Rd 78756
Fee 115
9-4pm both days

Sam Chung ( Demonstration Only)
"Pouring Forms with Paper Template Construction"

Workshop Description:
This workshop will focus on exploring the possibilities of creating
pouring forms from a combination of slab construction and wheel thrown
elements. The process will involve the use of drawing as a foundation
for the development of form, and then cutting paper templates for the
slab construction. Wheel-thrown parts will also be integrated. Sam will
also discuss the interrelationship of form, function, history, context
and process.

Sam Chung is a studio potter and Associate Professor at Northern
Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan. He recieved a BA from St.
Olaf College and a MFA from Arizona St. University.