karen terpstra on wed 10 sep 03
Any clayarters and students in the area are welcome to attend Marta
Matray Gloviczki's workshop Thursday Oct. 30, in the ceramics studio at
the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse from 9:00 am. to 3:00 pm.
Marta, from Rochester, MN is a wonderful hand builder and a delightful
person to be around! She will be demonstrating her unique hand building
methods and discussing pit-fired and low-fired saggar work.
Marta will return to La Crosse on Thursday Nov.6 to pit fire and/or
saggar fire the work starting at 9:00 am.
The workshop is free of charge. Stop by either or both days.
Hope to see you in La Crosse for a another great workshop you won't want
to miss!
Karen Terpstra
Associate Professor of Art
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
terpstra.kare@uwlax.edu (school)
katerpstra@charter.net (home)
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